Monday, May 10, 2010

TA~DAAH!!! Mission Completed!

The River Bank Run....COMPLETED!!!

So i can't believe that the day has actually come and gone. All that training and we did it!

It wasn't exactly the most beautiful day but it ended up being just what i needed.

Here are some pictures from the day!

The Runners....before the run. It was Freezing and at this point it was actually tempting to forget all the training and go home to snuggle around a mug of Hot Chocolate.

The in-laws from Iowa braving the weather. What good fans we have and thank goodness for sleeping bags to wrap up in! We didn't have a hard time spotting Bonnie in a crowd :)

We were thankful for the near by parking garage to keep warm.
We took this picture hoping it wouldn't be the last one together :)

I think Nolan even has a smile on his face!!
Amy also ran the last 1/2 mile with us to cheer us on (she's in the Blue).
She may have also gotten a 25K medal for it :)

We finished!!
We averaged a little under 10 minute miles. My legs felt like Jello afterwards, but overall I felt pretty good. Nolan was a superstar and prolly could have won the thing but he stayed back with the the entire time. The weather actually ended up being perfect for running!
(Thank the Lord and thanks for your prayers!)
The Route was through the woods so the wind was blocked most of the time, and
it really is amazing how many people you are running with...that helps keep you going.

Friends for life!!

They were waiting about 1/2 way on the route and at the end It was a definite encouragement to see people we knew along the run.

These last few months have come and gone, and I still can't believe it. I remember when it was amazing to me that i ran 3 Miles! It here went 15! :) It was great. While running i could really feel the prayers and was thankful for the support. But most of all i was grateful that i could run for such a good cause as Youth for Christ. Friday night we had a wonderful dinner put on by Youth for Christ. Not only was the food delicious, but also encouraging to hear their stories of why they do what they do and how they are seeing God busy in the lives of so many middle school youth. It's Beautiful! Thanks to so many of you for supporting me on my run for YFC!
I reached my goal!! So Thank~You Thank~you for your support!!

This whole running journey has reminded that anything truly is possible through Christ who gives me strength. But I realized (or awakened) to the fact that I received the strength once I started taking the steps myself, with out that actual step 15 miles, or job accomplishments, or friendships, or a personal relationship with Christ, or reaching any goal is not possible unless I am willing to do my part in it actually take the steps in the right direction trusting that God will lead me to accomplish the goals and plans he has for me.

I encourage anyone to run!! You really CAN do it!
Let me know if you need a running partner...b/c i really should continue running :)
Thanks again for your support!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So i can't believe we are to the last week of training. Saturday Nolan and I ran a 10 mile and i am relieved to tell you it was a great run. I felt like a million dollars at the finish...well, besides the sore knees, sore toes, being hot and sweaty, and really wasn't bad. Last week Monday however was another story. Nolan and I ran another 10mile run and we both felt sick after. I thought i could puke. It prolly didn't help that we had corn dogs an hour before we ran...but was just a bad run. Bad actually scared me that there was no way I was ever going to be able to finish the 15miles in the race. I could bearly do 10!! So thankfully Saturday was completely opposite.

Maybe our run went so well b/c we had just finished up a garage sale at our house for the weekend. My mom, sister, and I threw one together for Friday and Saturday. It was quite the event. I actually love having garage sales. Once everything is all organized and priced and all you have to do is just sit and welcome people to check out your stuff it's great! It's just the anticipation of having a good sale. However there was one thing that i really couldn't believe someone would do. here is the story:

It is the last costumer of the day...a family comes in. Seems like a nice little family. Cute little girl. We are giving them deals left and thing here, dollar off there...etc. The dad bought something...the little girl came to the table like 3 times for little purchases etc, and finally the mother checks out. When i check someone out i just quick take the stickers off, don't really look at what I'm selling and then total up the bill. Once the lady left i realized what had happened. I had a brand new looking zip up fleece that i never wore so it had a price of $ what the lady did was while the little girl was talking to us, she took a $1 off sticker from another item and took the $3 sticker off, and then placed the $1 sticker on to buy it!! It's not that i care about the $'s just the fact that someone would just go sneakily and do that. It felt like i had just gotten robbed...taken advantage of. We were being so nice to them giving them free things etc...and BAM she sneaks one on us. I am so naive and trusting of people I just couldn't believe someone would just do that. So i think that frustration just helped to add some fire to my run. Running is a good "cooler-downer" :) But still i was disappointed in the Human Race once again.

But I'm excited for next week Saturday...just excited. I can't believe we've made it this far!! Hopefully it will all work out for the good. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE SUPPORTED ME FINANCIALLY AND SPIRITUALLY! It's been an encouraging few months.

Some people have asked if it's too late to sponsor...and no it's not. i have till Friday to take in more pledges! So feel free to go to to make a pledge! :) Thanks!! and I appreciate you!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My first 5K

It's about time that i update you on my first 5K run ever this March in Florida. It was quite the event. Not only was it my first 5K, but also my brother and sister-in-law Evan and Sarah. We let Tara run the Half Marathon. We experienced some cool things...and not so cool things. We discovered what happens to nervous runners early on a dark morning in a port-a-potty.... we may have found two potties with "left-overs" on the seat....Delicious :S I also made a new friend running. She is a lady from St. Pete's and is 45. She definitely pushed my on my run and even offered to bark for me when I told her I was used to running with my dog. Prolly the most exciting thing, besides finishing, was that I actually finished second in my age group! (I'm just as shocked as you). So i got a sweet medal. Here are some pictures from our big morning in St. Petersburg, FL.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Rap for Running

Running has been going GREAT! It actually feels good to run. I never thought i'd say that :)

but i thought i'd post my email to help raise support and awarness to what i'm doing. so here it is !

Hello My Dear Friends and Family, So I've written about a million different practice emails to try and say just exactly what I want to say about running and training for the the River Bank Run 25K and raising support for the wonderful ministry of Youth for Christ. After many attempts of summing it up, I basically decided I really couldn't do it up any better than with a little rap/poem. Please enjoy! (and read like you are a has a better effect).

YO YO YO It's Katie here
I've got something cool to tell, have no fear.
These past few months I've been challenged yes it's true
to do something I thought was impossible to do.
I've been challenged to run which is somethin not fun
but now I see how running ain't too crazy

See there's this place where people go and love the youth
they teach them 'bout the Bible and to tell the truth.
They meet with them at school,
they meet with them at home,
they pray for them and love them just like Jesus would do.

In just a few weeks I'll be running you see
but I'd also like to raise some good money.
This money's not for me but to bless these kids
and help the ministry like the Bible says.

So if you are so willing, and so kind
don't be afraid to donate any dollar you may find.
To do so just click on the link below
and soon you will find out how love can grow!

I thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers
for it just wouldn't be possible without your cares.


I hope that though lame, this rap has summed it up enough for you. Honestly, I am honored to run for this ministry. I believe in the work that these people do and couldn't think of a better thing to be running in support of.

To Sponsor me there are two easy ways.

Online you can go to this safe link and the money will be sent right to Youth for Christ.

Or you can mail me a check made out to Youth for Christ and sent to
Katie Wiersma
158 W 30th St.
Holland, MI 49423.

Anything from a $1 to a million dollars will be accepted Thanks again and remember I couldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for all of you!

oh, P.S. The run is on May 8. If you could think and pray for Nolan and I as we are running it that would be sweet too...Thanks!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just do it

So despite what my blog shows, i have actually been running. Life has just been busy. the last few days have been super beautiful and a taste that spring is almost here! PRAISE THE LORD!!

Today was my 9mile run. I had to work till 2:15 and then once i got home it was SOOOOO hard to motivate myself. I realize i really am not a good self motivator. Honest, (this is going to make me sound really lame) but i spent from 2:30-4:30 trying to get myself to run. I'm pathetic! I dread the time it is going to take me to run it, also today i was dreading the wind, and then find myself dreaming of just relaxing and doing nothing so that once I've actually convinced myself to run i could have been done. Today was definitely one of those days. But once i started i felt like i could run forever. I even ran at least a 1/2 mile extra! It was prolly one of the most spiritual run i had to. It almost felt like if you commit to doing something you will be blessed and I actually felt blessed on my run. My lungs felt great, my legs, the temperature, and even the wind felt great. It was crazy but I'm definitely thankful for it.

Teddy has continued to be my running partner. He runs up to 5 miles with me. it's great. Sometimes i feel like he is looking back at me and smiling saying...are you coming? :) or once we've passed a pedestrian and he doesn't bark he sometimes looks back at me as if to say...I'm a good boy aren't i mom :) he has definitely improved his running abilities too and i don't know if i would be doing this well with running if it wasn't for him....a little mutt who loves to chase leaves in the wind.

So things are going well here...i just suck at motivating myself to actually start running. I hope to grow out of that. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

One more week completed.

So slowly we are creeping closer and closer to the race week. But yet it feels so far away. Today was another 7 mile run, and for some reason when i have already ran that distance it seems to drag longer. But today, as i was running past Kollen park, i just had to stop. It really was SOO beautiful. For those of you not familiar with the park, it is right on the shores of Lake Macatawa. The Lake is lightly frozen over and flocks of seagulls were sun bathing on the ice. So i had to sit for a sec and stop...stop to enjoy the beauty, stop just to take in the wonderful day, stop to realize i have a lot to be thankful for, and stop just to relax for one sec. Sometimes i think that i have allowed this running thing to be just another thing for me to do. i forget to see the beauty behind the running, or the good it's doing, or to just actually try and enjoy it. today i felt like i took a little time to enjoy it instead of allowing it to be another thing to check off my to-do-list.

But i do have a shout out there to Chris and Jill....Thank you for letting me borrow your ipod!! I'm enjoying the random assortment of songs! It's great!

Also, any suggestions from you guys. In a couple of weeks we are going down to Florida to visit some friends. one of my friends is running a 1/2 marathon (13 miles or so) that weekend and I'm scheduled to run 10 miles. What I'm debating is if i should run the race or not...they also have a 5K option...but that i feel isn't enough BUT I'm also debating taking the weekend off from running :) IT'S VACATION RIGHT?? The race will cost about $50, which to me it could be $50 i put toward the money i raise for youth for Christ. but it is also along the Florida coast line. Help me decided, any thoughts are appreciated! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


i did it...Olympian style! :) well, it wasn't exactly Olympic style but i did average my 10min miles, so i felt pretty good about that, now it just feels good to be done! Happy almost valentines day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

7 MILES....

So the Olympics obviously started tonight and i have to use these Olympic athletes, who are amazing, to by my inspiration for tomorrow...I hate to say it...BUT...running has not gotten any easier. I've been struggling through my weeks and 7 miles sounds scary. But these Olympians have trained and practiced and have given their all to be where they are...and i can do the same for this run...right!? :) i may not win a gold medal in this race, but i can be an Olympian at heart! I'm starting to sound real gay, but i think i have to. I've discovered this running thing is kind of a mind thing...a lot of my run consists of my mind saying...just cut it a block shorter today...and then the other side says "are you kidding me!!...keep going.!!" It's like i have the little devil on one shoulder and the saint on the other side and they like to argue...But as the speaker tonight said...may we all aspire to be Olympian!! So tomorrow THAT WILL BE ME!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Helder Winter Fest 2010

Every winter my Helder Family looks forward to going up to Lake City for a weekend of fun in the snow. This year's festivities consisted of: the most intense broom ball game that has prolly taken place on the frozen waters of Lake Missaukee, A visit to the infamous Helder Hill where the craziest sledding ever (grandma even broke her ankle one year), and of course eating all chili, chips, hot dogs, and hot chocolate one could desire.

As much as I was looking forward to going, I was nervous that my running of the 6 miles might get pushed to the back burner. BUT, my dear husband decided to encourage me by running right along with me, AND that he would run at my speed...and believe it or not, it worked! Let me tell you that we have tried to run together before and it ends up that he would enjoy running backwards as I am running forward, or it was a time to take the opportunity to shows how his walking pace is equal to my run, BUT yesterday instead of running backwards he serenade our run with sweet songs like "I would do anything for love" as we were running into the freezing 50 mile an hour wind. It definitely helped and i loved the run actually went pretty well. So not only did we get a good run in at a new location, we also spent the rest of the day in the participating in the competitive are some pictures to get a little glimpse of the fun.

My Partner for life before the don't want to see us after :)

The Helder Broom Ball Teams...we even use mallets...and no one even got hurt...that is talent.

Sledding on Helder Hill

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can I take the day off??

I have to remind myself that i choose to do this. Today is the 45 min run and honestly that sounds like forever, even if running 3 miles prolly takes about that long...45 mins feels like forever. So I'm procrastinating...which makes me not want to go even more. Excuses are quickly coming to mind's getting dark and you don't want to get hit by a car, and i haven't seen teddy all day i should play with him (p.s. he still isn't allowed to go for runs due to his 'operation'), and i really should do a load of laundry, and what if i just did a work out video, and...and..and....i need to stop this right now...I'm run could be at least half over if i would have just started........ok, I'm going to do it.....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

HAPPY GROUND HOGS DAY/only 6 more weeks till Spring!!

So Happy Ground Hog's Day...what a wonderful day it is...I heard the Ground Hog saw it's shadow so we only have a few weeks left of winter, right?!! Man I certainly hope so. I must say, I do believe that the snow makes everything SUPER beautiful...however it makes running rather tricky. Today on my run most of the streets were snow covered so each step was like running in sliding sand. But as I trudged further and further I truly was thinking about how thankful I am that race day running is not in snow (please pray it won't be), or sand, or dirt, but just nice roadway. I really don't think I care too much if it rains, well I'd rather it be a nice sprinkle to cool me off just a torrential rains, or cold winds. Actually PLEASE pray that it is just the perfect day! Birds chirping, blue skies, about 65 degree weather, and the smell of sweet flowers filling the perfect air. It sounds like a dream, but that is what I'm praying for...please pray too!

Around me lately, many reminders of the frailness of life causes me to stop and realize none of us know if we even have tomorrow. It has made me look at my life a little closer and those around me. Maybe I might be gone, or maybe a loved one, or maybe even someone I really don't care for. Have I done everything I could to show them love? Am I spending my days in ways that carry out God's plan, God's love, God's desires? I've been reminded to give it all, so I have nothing to regret later. Sometimes it's hard to find the strength but this Bible verse has encouraged me today.

Ephesians 1:17-22

17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20 which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Lord WHAT POWER YOU HAVE!!! Help me to remember that you have given us that power so that we might be able to live and love fully each and every day just as if we knew it were our last.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thank the Lord for Boatwerks...

So I AM still running, despite the lack of blog entries. On Saturday I actually even ran 5.5 miles!! the farthest I've run in my whole life! It was obvious that my body didn't quite know how to handle it b/c after about 3.5 miles my system was about to experience "runner's trots." I will not define that for you....but I will just say I was sooo thankful to see that the restaurant Boatwerks was open to serve breakfast. I've never been so relieved! Despite that experience the run really went great...better than expected. I was encouraged.

The weather in Michigan today is rather snowy. I don't mind the snow and I thought to myself that this will still be nice to run in. Today's assignment: 2 miles. The first half was great, running with the wind usually is...but the second half I under estimated the wind powerIi was running with and how much it was snowing. I think I looked like a drunk runner b/c I could not run with my eyes open due to the snow pelting my eyeballs. There were a few times I found myself running up on peoples lawns. It felt good to see our little home again at the end of the run.

For an update on my running partner Teddy. He got a new hair cut and is looking Handsome. Nolan took him into FV last night so we could show him to some of the residents, once again he shared some love with the residences and thankfully didn't pee on the floor. Currently he is at the vet today getting neutered. The vet said that actually only one of his balls dropped, the other seems to be stuck, so they will have to do a more extensive surgery. Teddy now he has to stay over night. Poor Guy.

After running today I found an encouraging passage for when we feel we are running through life blindly.

Isaiah 42:16 says:

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not forsake them."

Lord, help us to trust in you even when the path feels rough, unfamiliar, and dark. Thank you for promising to never forsake us even when we might choose the wrong paths ourselves. Help us to keep running toward your guiding light.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I don't get how to blog...

So i have spent some time today trying to make my blog have a few "fancies" or extras on it...however i see they aren't working. Like that countdown i have to reset the darn thing each time i come to the page? I also tried to make a link to the YFC/River Bank Run info page...but that doesn't seem to work either. I don't know if I'm cut out for this blogging...or at least being a cool blogger...but I'll try not to give up yet...Maybe blogging will be the hardest part of this event...ha. i wish that was true :)

But to conclude today The scripture reminder is Ephesians 5:15-17

"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."

Today i don't feel I've made the most of every opportunity. Heavenly Father, help me to live each day more like this passage no matter what the circumstances.

New Running Partner

Anyone want to be my new running partner??

This morning i enjoyed being able to sleep in b/c I have the day off. So after eating a pig-in-the-blanket, I bundled up and headed out with Teddy, my dog, for a run. Goal today: run a mile, walk 5 mins, run 10 mins.

I was looking forward to today's run b/c it sounded a little easier, getting a break with walking,however, i made a mistake by choosing the wrong running partner. I love my dog, but he really is a stupid runner, especially since we can't really run on the sidewalks. They are caked with ice. So here we are running on the road, and for some reason every street we would run on was super everywhere. Even with teddy on the leash he just doesn't understand why, and how, to stay on the side of the road instead of running in the middle...right into traffic. To avoid the traffic I held him close causing him to run around my feet forcing us both to about go down.

By the end of the run i was about ready to just leave the dog in the snow banks and wish him good luck. I was also forming a letter in my head to write to who ever is in charge of keeping the sidewalks nice. Trust me it wasn't a nice letter. To sum today's run up in a few words...frusterating "PO"ness. But hopefully getting a new running partner will help solve a few problems.

Highlights left for today: Doing Yoga with Nolan :) That's right... it's part of his P90X work out...I can't wait to see him yoga it up!

Monday, January 18, 2010


So It’s official!!! I’m running in the 33rd Riverbank 25K !! That’s right, that means I have actually officially registered on their site, paid the $30 and have my own account with them! How exciting but honestly how crazy! I have never in my life challenged myself to do something that takes this much dedication, this much time, this much energy, but I can I do it…right?! It’s been a couple of years now where I always hear of these people doing amazing physical challenges and I sit and think wow they are amazing and what is wrong with me. You all know those people who you think that it should be impossible to run ,but then see them finishing a marathon or some other amazing running thing. Or like last summer when i went to watch Nolan bike across Iowa...There were like 100 year old guys finishing that!! And then I look at myself, whom I don’t really look that out of shape, but running has always been the last thing I would ever or could ever do, but yet all those other people could do it.

Well, I’ve finally been inspired to actually push myself, to rely on God’s strength, self determination, and the encouragement of family and friends to do this. To Actually Run! So I went online and made it official and let me tell you, I’v haven’t been this nervous just to sign up since …well, since the last time I got really nervous…which seems like a while ago. Anyway…as I was signing my name in and registering for the 25K my fingers fumbled over the key board, honestly there were like 3 errors each time I tried to complete one of the registration pages with something I missed or miss entered. My stomach flipped and flopped and let’s just say I had to take break to use the ladies room because the nerves got the best of me. I’m still shaking a little with this great nervous excitement thinking CAN I DO THIS? and I CAN DO THIS?! and I’M GOING TO DO THIS!! AHHHHH!!!! I feel I could scream and jump and “dump” all at the same time!

SO to update you all, I have been inspired to run not just the 25K but also to raise $500 for Youth For Christ. I’ve been encouraged to Awaken to the story and Power of Christ all around me in the world today and especially where he can take me in my life. I feel this run will help me, remind me, of the daily abiding in him that needs to happen like the daily devotion to running a 25K requires. My goal is to look to Him and his strength, to push myself and what it is I can accomplish, and to awaken to the beauty and Bigness of God Around me. You may think…how is running actually going to help you do this…well…I don’t exactly really know yet…but I guess we will see!!

And, I might as well, throw this out there too…it’s not too late if you want to join me in this! I of course would love some cheerleaders, but also running partners J Think about it!

So over the next few weeks i hope to blog, for my own good, and I've been encouraged by others to share my experiences and thoughts. Sorry for all the gramical mistakes...i also suck at writing.