Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can I take the day off??

I have to remind myself that i choose to do this. Today is the 45 min run and honestly that sounds like forever, even if running 3 miles prolly takes about that long...45 mins feels like forever. So I'm procrastinating...which makes me not want to go even more. Excuses are quickly coming to mind's getting dark and you don't want to get hit by a car, and i haven't seen teddy all day i should play with him (p.s. he still isn't allowed to go for runs due to his 'operation'), and i really should do a load of laundry, and what if i just did a work out video, and...and..and....i need to stop this right now...I'm run could be at least half over if i would have just started........ok, I'm going to do it.....


  1. Download a couple of new songs to your iPod, it's motivating! It's kind of like getting something new FOR running. And it doesn't break the bank.

  2. Love the idea tara, however my thing is broke...:) But when it's up and you have a good suggestion to download? :)
