Monday, May 10, 2010

TA~DAAH!!! Mission Completed!

The River Bank Run....COMPLETED!!!

So i can't believe that the day has actually come and gone. All that training and we did it!

It wasn't exactly the most beautiful day but it ended up being just what i needed.

Here are some pictures from the day!

The Runners....before the run. It was Freezing and at this point it was actually tempting to forget all the training and go home to snuggle around a mug of Hot Chocolate.

The in-laws from Iowa braving the weather. What good fans we have and thank goodness for sleeping bags to wrap up in! We didn't have a hard time spotting Bonnie in a crowd :)

We were thankful for the near by parking garage to keep warm.
We took this picture hoping it wouldn't be the last one together :)

I think Nolan even has a smile on his face!!
Amy also ran the last 1/2 mile with us to cheer us on (she's in the Blue).
She may have also gotten a 25K medal for it :)

We finished!!
We averaged a little under 10 minute miles. My legs felt like Jello afterwards, but overall I felt pretty good. Nolan was a superstar and prolly could have won the thing but he stayed back with the the entire time. The weather actually ended up being perfect for running!
(Thank the Lord and thanks for your prayers!)
The Route was through the woods so the wind was blocked most of the time, and
it really is amazing how many people you are running with...that helps keep you going.

Friends for life!!

They were waiting about 1/2 way on the route and at the end It was a definite encouragement to see people we knew along the run.

These last few months have come and gone, and I still can't believe it. I remember when it was amazing to me that i ran 3 Miles! It here went 15! :) It was great. While running i could really feel the prayers and was thankful for the support. But most of all i was grateful that i could run for such a good cause as Youth for Christ. Friday night we had a wonderful dinner put on by Youth for Christ. Not only was the food delicious, but also encouraging to hear their stories of why they do what they do and how they are seeing God busy in the lives of so many middle school youth. It's Beautiful! Thanks to so many of you for supporting me on my run for YFC!
I reached my goal!! So Thank~You Thank~you for your support!!

This whole running journey has reminded that anything truly is possible through Christ who gives me strength. But I realized (or awakened) to the fact that I received the strength once I started taking the steps myself, with out that actual step 15 miles, or job accomplishments, or friendships, or a personal relationship with Christ, or reaching any goal is not possible unless I am willing to do my part in it actually take the steps in the right direction trusting that God will lead me to accomplish the goals and plans he has for me.

I encourage anyone to run!! You really CAN do it!
Let me know if you need a running partner...b/c i really should continue running :)
Thanks again for your support!